Language Staff

Faculty Contact: Ying Gao

Language Assistant: Jolinna Li

大家好!我是李恬欣 (也可以叫我羊羊🐑),2023-2024 年的 Shea House LA. 我是三年级学生,是摄影和英文专业。平常我喜欢看小说, 跳舞,和拍照片。我也是UVA武术队的成员!我喜欢吃芒果,牛肉面,和饺子。非常期待在 Shea 跟大家一起学中文!❤️

Hey guys! I'm Jolinna, the Shea House Chinese LA for the 2023-2024 academic year. I am a third year student majoring in Studio Art Cinematography and English. My hobbies include reading, dance, and photography. I am also a part of UVA's wushu club. I love to eat mangoes, beef noodles, and dumplings. Excited to learn more about Chinese language and culture with everyone in cpod this year! 

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