Open House 21
Shea House Podcast
Open House 21
shea flier
Dinner at Shea
Provost Mull's Visit to Shea
Arabic Pod


Shea House provides a language immersion environment to enhance students' linguistic and cultural competence in their target language and culture by offering quality programming with meaningful activities. The leadership of the Shea House facilitates multi-cultural and cross-cultural activities to prepare the residents and all associated language students of the UVA community to flourish in a global community.

Apply to become part of the 2024-2025 Shea community Oct. 1 - Nov. 6 via the Housing Portal. For information on becoming a Language Assistant click here.

Shea House:


Halloween at Shea 2021


  • News Date

    Cavalier Daily has published an article on the Shea House 20th Year anniversary written by Kate Hunter and photographed by Avery Lambert. Read it here. Special Guest speakers included Professor Robert Hueckstdect and Professor Enrico Cesaretti. 

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    Read about Sara Feng - the Chinese LA - here.

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  • News Date

    On Wednesday, Marsh 13 2022, Vice Provost of Global Affairs Mull visited Shea where he talked to LAs about their role as leaders at Shea and had dinner with several of the residents. We had a great time and can't wait to welcome him back. Thanks Provost Mull!

    Mull's Visit

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2024-2025 application flier