2024 Fall Schedule:
Abendessen (Dinnertime Conversation) Hours:
Montag (Monday): 18-18:30 Uhr (6:00pm-6:30pm)
Dienstag (Tuesday): 18-18:30 Uhr (6:00pm-6:30pm)
Mittwoch (Wednesday): 18-18:30 Uhr (6:00pm-6:30pm)
Donnerstag (Thursday): 18-18:30 Uhr (6:00pm-6:30pm)
Sprachecke (Language Corner):
Dienstag (Tuesday): 18:30-19:30 Uhr (6:30pm-7:30pm)
Day in a life of the German Pod! Check out how residents like living in Shea House and what their weekly life looks like! :)
- Video edited by Devon Gildea
9/10/24 - Wir haben Kekse und einen Rührkuchen gebacken. Es war lecker!
8/27/24 - Our first language corner! We played some Kennenlernenspiele, including Speed Dating and zwei Wahrheiten und eine Lüge
Escape room 4/23! We split into two groups and raced against each other :)
Pod bake night! February 2024
Exciting Octoberfest 10/22/2024!
09/26/2023 - German pod members prepare presentations about any city of their choice! Most students found cities that they thought were funny and interesting!
09/19/2023 - We made apple ring covered pancakes! :) Sehr lecker!