
2024 Fall Schedule:

Abendessen (Dinnertime Conversation) Hours: 

Montag (Monday): 18-18:30 Uhr (6:00pm-6:30pm)
Dienstag (Tuesday): 18-18:30 Uhr (6:00pm-6:30pm)
Mittwoch (Wednesday): 18-18:30 Uhr (6:00pm-6:30pm)
Donnerstag (Thursday): 18-18:30 Uhr (6:00pm-6:30pm)

Sprachecke (Language Corner): 

Dienstag (Tuesday): 18:30-19:30 Uhr (6:30pm-7:30pm)

Day in a life of the German Pod! Check out how residents like living in Shea House and what their weekly life looks like! :)

- Video edited by Devon Gildea

9/10/24 - Wir haben Kekse und einen Rührkuchen gebacken. Es war lecker!


8/27/24 - Our first language corner! We played some Kennenlernenspiele, including Speed Dating and zwei Wahrheiten und eine Lüge


Escape room 4/23! We split into two groups and raced against each other :)

Pod bake night! February 2024

Exciting Octoberfest 10/22/2024!

09/26/2023 - German pod members prepare presentations about any city of their choice! Most students found cities that they thought were funny and interesting!

09/19/2023 - We made apple ring covered pancakes! :) Sehr lecker!

Students paint paper face masks with at a table

German pod has been present in Shea House since 2017.

The German pod has returned for the 2022-2023 year after its brief hiatus, and encourages your applications!

To view information about the current Language Assistant, Faculty Representative, and Pod Events, use the links on the left side navigation bar (at the bottom of the page on mobile).